Our database includes vast number of brands from the past and present sorted alphabetically, and a quick search is also included.These lists are not final, but we are constantly updating and correcting them. The application will automatically load the appropriate selection of brands. To start the search, just touch the category icon of your piano.
#Piano atlas online free serial numbers
We separated the upright and grand piano database, since their serial numbers do not necessarily match within the same brand. We can provide or upload new information in seconds, so when your request is posted, the correct and updated answer comes to you instantly. This allows real-time user access., and guarantees accurate and up to date information. One of the many advantages of our application is that all the data is stored on our online server. The Online Piano Atlas also pays attention to these for you. Because of such change sometimes a different company manufactured your piano from a certain time using the same brand name. Often the original factory was closed, and the brand sold. It will also tell where and when the original factory was established. This application tells you the age of your piano - vertical or grand. OPA - The first and one and only Online Piano Atlas application! This example below is common Winter Spinet piano normally worth very little, but the ornate carvings and inlays on the case give it much more value than an ordinary case.How old is your piano? Where your piano was built? And more. CLICK HERE or continue… Ornate or Unusual Case Design: If your piano is very ornate with carvings and inlays, or a very unusual case design, this can make the piano more valuable no matter what the name of the piano is.
#Piano atlas online free professional
If the piano has a name which carries such value, a Professional Appraisal would be well worth it. A quick web search will reveal if your piano’s name alone carries value. Other names of valuable pianos would include: Mason and Hamlin, Boosendorfer, Bechstein, Baldwin, Blunther, Sauter, to name only a few. Even in the worst condition, most Steinway Grand pianos will sell for thousands of dollars, but how many thousands is going to be determined by the pianos condition. Name Brand: You may own a world class name piano, such as Steinway. Pianos that may still be valuable even in poor condition But first, we need to know more about the piano itself. What would you pay for a beautifully shined used car that needed a new engine and transmission? If you have no records, and the piano has not been maintained, the condition will need to be verified in order to determine the piano’s value. The condition of the cosmetics will enhance the value of any piano, but the value has much more to do with the interior workings.

It tells us who did the work, what was done, how well it was done, and how long we can expect it to last, all vital factors in determining value. Restored Pianos: A receipt for the work performed is vital to determining the value.

Original Purchase Price: If you know it, this will help determine its present value, giving you a starting point in the appraisal formula you will soon find at the end page of this information. This will also give the buyer/seller a professional contact to verify the condition and therefore the value of the piano. Service Records: Has the piano serviced on a regular basis? Tuning receipts are proof the piano has been well maintained. If you are selling your piano and have any of the following records, find them. Once you have gathered this information, do a search for your piano to find out what it may be worth. Read on from this point if you are not sure. Name, Age, Serial Number, Model, Size and Type. I GUARANTEE that the time you spend will give you valuable insight as to what your piano value may be, and help you decide whether or not the piano has enough value to warrant paying for an appraisal. YOU WILL NEED TO GATHER THIS INFORMATION in order to properly describe the piano to a potential buyer or professional Piano Appraiser whether the Piano has value or not. Quick Start: Click on the type of piano you are researching or continue reading below. This Virtual Piano Appraisal is designed for those of you who would like to know the approximate value of your piano.